Emotional Support: Draw upon the sharing of individuals who are living the adoption / foster care experience as adoptees, foster care alumni, birth/first parents, and adoptive/ foster parents. We voice our concerns, fears and dreams as we learn and discover together.
Educational Programs: Ongoing programs, conferences, workshops, etc. exploring social attitudes and policies that have influenced our self-perceptions and public ideas about adoption.
Individualized Discussion Groups: You’ll find a non-judgmental atmosphere to explore questions & experiences at AKA’s discussion groups for adoptees, birth/first parents, adoptive parents and prospective adoptive parents and those connected through foster care.
Search Assistance: For people seeking to reconnect with those they have been separated from through closed, semi-closed adoption. foster care, or a non paternal event in their family tree. Individuals must be over 18 to receive search help. We will equip you with the tools and knowledge to begin your search and, if needed, one of our search assistance volunteers will guide you through the process of using today's tools to locate your family. Your request for search assistance is based on our volunteer availability. You may also find the help you need by attending our DNA Discoveries Group on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 PM, Central Time over Zoom.
Newsletter: Receive The AKA Connection, our member newsletter full of member news & events, human interest stories, timely guest bloggers, response tips to everyday issues we face in adoption, book & movie reviews, and more!
Lending Library: Our adoption Library has become the most extensive in the region with excellent books, tapes and videos for you to borrow.
Governmental Activities: You’ll be given the opportunity to voice your insights and experiences in support of more humane, honest adoption practices both statewide and nationally.
CEUs: Social Workers and LPCs are eligible for CEUs at our Quarterly Educational meetings. There is a $15 fee for non-members.
Audio Recordings: You’ll have access to any audio recordings made at Quarterly Educational meetings. These audio recordings are available to all members. Meeting recordings are at the discretion of the presenter.
Special Events: AKA sponsors or hosts other adoption related events throughout the year. Discounts are available to all AKA members for all of these educational events.
Conference: You’ll receive a discount on the registration fee for our annual conference.
The Gift of Giving : The genuine satisfaction that you are supporting a unique organization that brings people connected to adoption together for connection, support, and education. We cannot continue to provide our services without the support of members like you!
Educational Programs: Ongoing programs, conferences, workshops, etc. exploring social attitudes and policies that have influenced our self-perceptions and public ideas about adoption.
Individualized Discussion Groups: You’ll find a non-judgmental atmosphere to explore questions & experiences at AKA’s discussion groups for adoptees, birth/first parents, adoptive parents and prospective adoptive parents and those connected through foster care.
Search Assistance: For people seeking to reconnect with those they have been separated from through closed, semi-closed adoption. foster care, or a non paternal event in their family tree. Individuals must be over 18 to receive search help. We will equip you with the tools and knowledge to begin your search and, if needed, one of our search assistance volunteers will guide you through the process of using today's tools to locate your family. Your request for search assistance is based on our volunteer availability. You may also find the help you need by attending our DNA Discoveries Group on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 PM, Central Time over Zoom.
Newsletter: Receive The AKA Connection, our member newsletter full of member news & events, human interest stories, timely guest bloggers, response tips to everyday issues we face in adoption, book & movie reviews, and more!
Lending Library: Our adoption Library has become the most extensive in the region with excellent books, tapes and videos for you to borrow.
Governmental Activities: You’ll be given the opportunity to voice your insights and experiences in support of more humane, honest adoption practices both statewide and nationally.
CEUs: Social Workers and LPCs are eligible for CEUs at our Quarterly Educational meetings. There is a $15 fee for non-members.
Audio Recordings: You’ll have access to any audio recordings made at Quarterly Educational meetings. These audio recordings are available to all members. Meeting recordings are at the discretion of the presenter.
Special Events: AKA sponsors or hosts other adoption related events throughout the year. Discounts are available to all AKA members for all of these educational events.
Conference: You’ll receive a discount on the registration fee for our annual conference.
The Gift of Giving : The genuine satisfaction that you are supporting a unique organization that brings people connected to adoption together for connection, support, and education. We cannot continue to provide our services without the support of members like you!